On top of the improvements listed below, we made it possible for you to create relevant Timelines right from within the extension on Whatsapp Web.
To create a new Timeline right from your Whatsapp Web interface, choose the Timeline dropdown menu, and select the "New Timeline" option":
New Timeline creation  in extension
This update brings a lot of improvements, but you need to reinstall your TimelinesAI Chrome extension to get them.
Other improvements and fixes for Whatsapp extension:
  • Image attachments exported with correct filenames
  • Fixed recognition of date and time for all languages
  • Fixed the incorrect ordering of messages sent on the same minute
  • Fixed truncation of long messages
  • Importing process is now 10x faster
Please reinstall your TimelinesAI extension on Chrome to get these improvements.
You won't need to do this every time we release the new update - the issue was on Google's side, but we made sure to circumvent this in future.