Bulk Replies
Bulk Replies
Bulk Replies is a new feature available to the subscribers of our Shared Inbox+ and Business plan. It enables your team to send the message to a selected number of chats at once.
Whatsapp to CRM Integration
TimelinesAI now enables you to connect and review your Whatsapp communication in the interface of the system that your team already uses! It works with most tools that support webhooks: CRMs, HRMs, project management systems, chatbots, etc. Contact our support if you're interested to get access to this feature.
Start New Chat
Start a new chat on Whatsapp
Your team can start a new chat with a person that is not saved in your contacts and has not contacted you yet. Contact our support if you're interested to get access to this feature.
Stability improvements and bugfixes:
  • Improved QR code generation
  • Fixed incorrect URL detection in messages
  • Deleted chats will not automatically sync when new message is received (a user can manually resume the sync)
As usual, feel free to suggest your ideas for improvements of TimelinesAI in chat, or directly to our Roadmap. We do consider and prioritize everything we hear from our users. Have a nice day!